rock climbing for kids

Rock Climbing for Kids: Exercise, Fun, Learning and Confidence

Safety – Is Rock Climbing Safe for Kids

rock climbing safety for kids

Indoor rock climbing is very safe for children, but adequate adult supervision is required. When properly set up and belayed a child cannot fall, only have a little slip before being caught by the harness and that is all part of the process.

Indoor top-rope (where the rope is permanently fixed to run from the top of the climbing wall) is very safe. This style of climbing is best because the kids are very safe and are in control of a parent or guardian.

Indoor bouldering is also safe, but again make sure there is sufficient adult supervision for this activity.

Outdoor rock climbing can also be safe in the right environments but you should only do this if you are experienced or with someone who is and we would suggest only allowing a child to climb to a moderate height and only while top-rope climbing.

Great for Building Fitness and Strength

confident child climbing

Rock climbing is a sport that involves the muscles in your entire body. You need to use all your muscles and because the movements you are doing are always varying, unlike training in a gym, the workout that your body gets is also very varied.

This means that you never end up overworking some muscles and underworking others, you will always strengthen your whole body.

Because climbing is a no/low impact sport you do not have to worry about a lot of the injuries that they could get from other sports. Impacts from football can have quite negative effects. Even riding a bike or skateboard can be more dangerous due to the speed and possibility of falls.

Rock climbing is a slow, deliberate sport. One where accuracy and strength are important. This makes it perfect for building physical and mental fitness and strength. On that note, you should give it a go yourself.

Great for Coordination and Motor Skills

The many different types of movements needed for rock climbing Is great for teaching body positioning, dynamic movement, static movement, and a lot more. Because there are many kinds of moves that can be made and many of them need to be executed with precision, they are great for building motor skills.

“Rock Climbing is just as much a Mental Sport as it is a Physical One”

Rock climbing involves a lot of self-control, determination, focus, and many other mental traits that we all want for our kids.

rock climbing kids

Helps Kids Build Confidence

Rock climbing is about taking on challenges, and facing hard things that you may fail at multiple times before you achieve the goal.

This could not come in a more obvious and real way when rock climbing. When you fall you fall, and there is nothing like slipping and having that light feeling in your stomach to show you that you have made a mistake.

But in the safe environment of a climbing gym this allows kids to try again and in so teaches them two particularly important things.

  1. That if you keep trying that you will eventually succeed.
  2. That if you fall, it is not the worst thing, and that falling is necessary to progress.

Teaches kids to face their fears

Having to jump for a handhold or move your weight in a way that feels like you will fall is hard for anyone. But in the environment of rock climbing, it allows kids to push their boundaries in a controlled and safe way.

This is amazing for children as it teaches them to face their fears and that their fears can be managed and controlled.

Team building

Going climbing with a group is great and is perfect for kids to build relationships with others. They will be able to challenge themselves and each other in the gym while having fun. They should be encouraged to help and cheer each other on.

In the right environment, it is a great place to make friends with a common challenging activity.

rock climbing for kids

What do the kids think?

Kids F***ing love it. Finally, they get to climb as high as they are comfortable going without mum running outside and telling them to get out of a tree.

Didn’t we all love to climb as kids? I can remember that it was always the best thing to go to a new park where you found an awesome climbing tree. Just to have your parents tell you to get down after you jumped up a few branches.

Well, give them a chance in a climbing gym where they can give it a real go. Kids need to climb, run, jump, play, and have fun.

What gear do you need?

Any climbing gym will have all the equipment that you need. They will make sure you have all the safety gear you need, generally just a harness for you and one for your child. Then it’s just a matter of some climbing shoes and chalk.

I would suggest getting at least some climbing shoes, they make the biggest difference of any piece of climbing gear and will help them have a great time.

After that, if you want to buy some gear, we have some recommendations here.


I do not have kids yet but when I do, they will be doing rock climbing.

Climbing has been a part of my life for years now and I am still learning new things, challenging myself, and growing because of it. I want this life for my kids too.

There is a ridiculously small risk of injury in rock climbing, arguably less than a lot of other so-called “safe” sports (at the level of climbing in a climbing gym). The life lessons, mental and physical benefits that come from it are like no other.

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